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Blue Pea Butterfly Powder is used to make what is popularly known as the Blue Tea or Blue Matcha. These flowers have a rich, vibrant blue shade, and have gained prominence in recent years to make beautiful-looking desserts and beverages. It is used to make caffeine-free herbal tea.
- Loaded with antioxidants and protects against free radicals
- Relieves stress and improves mood
- Aids digestion and weight loss
- Improves skin and hair health
- Add to boiling water to prepare tea
- To add more flavour, add some lemon juice to the tea
- Can also be used to make beautiful, theatrical cocktails and desserts
Ayurvedic Energetics
- Rasa (taste): Sweet
- Virya (action): Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Sweet
- Doshas (constitutions): Balances Pitta and Vata