On Sale
Vitamin C is a boon in any form; what makes it even better? Solar Dried Orange Slices!
Being prepared at a constant heat with the temperature obtained from solar energy inside a chamber, solar-dried orange slices are one of the finest healthy food choices to go perfectly with your next smoothie bowl.
- Packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants
- Great substitute for your evening snack
- Helps fight skin damage
- Prevents kidney stones
- 5-6 slices can be served as an easy evening snack daily.
- Use 10 gms of solar-dried orange slices for cookie baking, granola, or breakfast smoothie bowl.
Ayurvedic Energetics
- Rasa (taste): sweet, sour, bitter
- Virya (action): hot
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sour
- Doshas (constitutions): balances vata and nourishes Kapha and Pitta