On Sale
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, even when it's dried!
Tested for having a longer shelf life compared to fresh apples, Solar Dried Apple Slices are naturally sweet and are a great-tasting snack alternative to an unhealthy or fried quick bite. It is enriched with Vitamin B and keeps you full for longer durations thereby keeping those nasty hunger pangs away.
- Improves gut health and provides relief against constipation
- Helps to maintain a healthy body weight
- It has a high amount of dietary fiber that regulates the water balance of the body
- Boosts cellular health
- Increases mineral intake of the body
- For adults, having 7-8 slices is recommended regularly.
- Can be taken as a snack in the evening or in between meals.
Ayurvedic Energetics
- Rasa (taste): sweet
- Virya (action): cold
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
- Doshas (constitutions): balances Vata and Pitta and increases Kapha.