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Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb that is dubbed the “Queen of Herbs” because of its excellent medicinal properties, especially related to hormonal balance. Interestingly, this Sanskrit name literally translates to “the plant with a hundred roots” because each plant possesses almost exactly a hundred roots.

- Treats menstrual disorders and balances hormones
- Enhances fertility, libido and stamina
- Increases lactation and nourishment in new mothers
- Manages digestion, diabetes and cardiac functioning

- Consume 1/2 tsp twice a day with warm water or milk before meals

Ayurvedic Energetics
- Rasa (taste): bitter, sweet
- Virya (action): cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
- Doshas (constitutions): Pacifies Pitta and Vata